
Expert On-Site Engineering Assistance

At Elite Technology, our own team of on-site engineers can provide expert assistance throughout the development of your project. Our engineers have the skills and experience to offer insightful advice and suggestions to make your custom-manufactured plastic and silicone parts more manufacturable, helping you save money and develop improvements that may help create new opportunities for your business or your industry.

Before manufacturing begins, our on-site engineering team will perform a thorough review of your designs to ensure that your custom-manufactured plastic and silicone parts comply with the proper manufacturing protocols and specifications. All files that Elite receives are analyzed by our engineering staff before we send them to the factory so we can identify and troubleshoot any potential engineering or design issues with the production of your custom-manufactured plastic and silicone parts. This valuable pre-production design review can help you resolve any unforeseen problems that could delay, derail, or add extra expense to the manufacturing process. Our engineers will handle all communication with our manufacturing team, working as an advocate on your behalf. Once we receive any advice or recommendations, we quickly communicate that feedback to you to keep the manufacturing process on schedule and running as smoothly as possible.

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